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Message of the Fatima Industry To help the poorest families should be our aim. You should start helping and caring for your own family, close relatives then your neighbor, etc. before you start helping other people. We must give the charity, Sadaqah and any other help with a good heart. Especially in Ramadan-ul-Mubarak when inflation

ALMIGHTY ALLAH IS AWARE OF THE GOOD THAT YOU DO “They ask you (O Muhammad صلی اللہ تعالٰی علیہ وسلم) what should spend in charity. Say: Whatever you spend with a good heart, give it to parents, relatives, orphans, the helpless and travellers in need. Whatever good you do, Allahجل جلالہ is Aware of it.”

Summer and Thirsty Birds
1) This Summer may cross 45 degrees. Many birds die due to lack of water. Please! Keep a bowl of water in your balcony and save their lives. 2) Many birds die in summer without water. Please save them. Keep water pots for thirsty birds at balcony, window and terrace etc. Also please suggest other